
Upcoming reports

  • D9.2: Communication materials; brochures, presentations, website and mission video

    Available in M6 (May 2024)

  • D9.3: Project documentary video

    Available in M68 ( July 2029)

  • D9.4: End of project dissemination event

    Available in M70 ( Sept 2029)

  • D9.8: Summary for policymakers on the environmental impact of tidal energy farms

    Available in M70 ( Sept 2029)

  • D8.1: 2 year farm operational report

    Available in M70 (Sept 2029 )

  • D8.2: Farm wake impact report

    Available in M70 ( Sept 2029)

  • D8.6: Environmental Monitoring Report to increase knowledge of environmental interactions

    Available in M70 ( Sept 2029)

  • D10.2: Report on the funding needs for scaling up and commercialisation

    Available in M70 ( Sept 2029)

  • D10.3: Policy recommendations to scale up tidal energy

    Available in M70 ( Sept 2029)